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September 10 2024

this vacation sucks

on my second day to the beach and i've already gotten sick. i never get sick, which is why getting sick now, out of all times, is concerning and annoying. the hotel room is so nice and we have a view of the ocean which is awesome. and the ocean isn't as cold as we both expected it to be. but i feel like now we both can't enjoy it as much considering i have a cold, and now we're both out of money. he got locked out of his car earlier and the locksmith cost $350 which is INSANE... the guy said he'd get his money back thru insurance but still. who the fuck charges $100 just for the phone call, and then another $250 for the actual lockpicking which took like less than 10 minutes. but whatever, times are tough rn so i get it. kind of.

my mom thankfully sent me some money after i told her we're rationing the pizza we got yesterday. i didn't want her to, i was just giving her a life update but she was reqally sweet in helping us out.

god i want to go home already. we have until friday at 11 am to leave, but it's only tuesday and shit's already hit the fan it seems.

ugh and we just found out his insurance won't cover the locksmith cost. this shit sucks. my head hurts, my back hurts, my legs are sore, there's sand in my hair no matter how much i rinse it out. i'll just ask if we can say inside for the rest of the vacation until we have to go. i know the drive back will be peaceful, like it was coming here. calm before the storm i guess.

i'm going to lie down now and hope that i can sweat through this cold. luckily i brought my books and stuff so i can keep myself entertained. i hope my money comes in by tomorrow morning and the transaction doesn't get flagged cuz of the whole chase money bank glitch shit. why are people so dumb?

goodnight internet.